Being Thursday afternoon, Jon knew he had to get to work. After having the last few days off, he really didn't want to go into the city, deal with all of the people - especially whatever primadonna is recording or tracking. No desire what-so-ever. He knew he had to get up and get going, get back into the daily grind. He quickly showered and got ready to leave. Then thought he would stop and see his dad, maybe get a quick trim before heading into the studio. When he was finished getting ready he went downstairs where his mother was putting away the lunch dishes. He said, "Morning mom." Mrs. B turned around smiling and said, "Good morning son, how'd you sleep?" Jon hasn't slept well for days. Being torn up over the Liz and Rick thing, plus the stress of the Homegrown Talent contest - sleep was just a memory for Jon. He has however drawn in some inspiration from both situations and has vastly added to his song collection. He hugged his mom and said, "Gotta go, I'm driving into work today. Love you, mom." He kisses her and bolts out the door.
Arriving to work 10 minutes early told Jon it was going to be a good night. Traffic made the commute in really easy and he was able to find a parking spot. In downtown Manhattan that's unheard of. He knew it was luck, or God had decided he's have enough trouble for the week. Jon went inside and signed in. The security guard greeted him as always, Hello Jon." Jon smiled at the guard and said, "Hey, Mike - busy day?" Mike laughed and said, "It was a little hectic here, there was some lady her recording earlier and many teeny boppers tried to get in." Jon signed in and replied, "But they didn't get passed Mike, the super guard?!" Jon walked passed Mike, wished him a good night and disappeared down a long hall. Jon went to Tony's office. He wasn't there. So, Jon thought that maybe he's in one of the studio's and headed that way. Walking passed the conference room he seen Tony out of the corner of his eye. Next, he could here Tony holler, "Hey Jon, come in here a minute." Jon stops on a dime, pivots and heads into the conference room. Tony stands up, shakes Jon's hand and says, "Jon this is Doc McGhee" Pointing the the rolly polly guy sitting at the table. Doc stood up and shook Jon's hand and says, "You're the kid I've heard so much about?", with a funny smile in his face. Jon says, "If Tony is introducing us, then yep - it must be me." Jon sits in the closest seat he can get into and says, "OK, what's up?" Tony went around and sat back in his chair and Doc sat back down. Tony started the conversation with, "Doc here is talent manager and producer out of L.A., he heard your song and wanted to come and meet you. So here he is." Jon being totally caught guard, said, "Wow, thank you! I'm glad you like my song, how did you hear it out in L.A.? I thought it was only going to be played here in NYC - awesome that it's made it all the way out to L.A. in just a few days." Doc laughed and explained to Jon how he was able to get things done, in the music business. Little did Doc know, Jon was not stupid when it came to the industry. Jon knew who to schmooze and who not to schmooze. He had seen enough in the two years he's worked at the Power Station. Jon let Tony and Doc start the conversation.. "Doc, why don't you tell Jon why you flew all the way over here to see him?", says Tony - hoping that the conversation will go quickly. Tony has things to do and so did Jon. Doc started to say, "I think I can get Jon on the road to success and I wanted to tell him what I could do to help." Jon was very curious and waited on baited breathe, Doc goes onto say, "Jon, I'd like to get you and your band in the studio and cut a record. Tony tells me you're a writer, so I assume you have enough songs to make an album, is that right?" Jon sits there a little dumbfounded and really doesn't know what to say. He looks at his cousin Tony, he knows Tony will back him and not let him get into something he shouldn't. Slowly but surely Jon says, "I have 2 songs recorded and 22 more written. My friend David and I just hired a guitar player and tonight we're going to check out a bass player and a drummer. Once I have those, I'll have a band. But yes, I have material. Lots of material." Jon was dying inside, he had never been so nervous and excited in all his life. Tony helped with his excitement by taking over the conversation - Tony confirmed that he would be involved in this process and he would make sure Jon got to where he wanted to be, the right way. Doc totally agreed with the idea and tentatively they had a deal. They would wait and see what happens upon delivery of the completed tracks. Getting ready to go to work, Jon said to Doc, "I'll get a band together and we'll record some tracks. How would you like me to get the tracks to you once they are finished?" Doc laughed and said, "All you have to do is call me and I'll come out and give them a listen - that won't be a problem." Jon assured him that it should only take a few weeks to get the tracks done and he looks forward to meeting with Doc in the near future. Jon shook his hand and respectfully went to work. He's sure that Doc and Tony stayed behind to chat, Jon would catch up with Tony after work to see what was said.
Jon had to go change some tapes in one of the recording studios. It seems that some big shot was coming in to lay a few tracks. After working there for a few years, there are no more big shots to Jon - with the exception of the remaining Beatles and the Stones. He walked into Studio A and there sat The Boss; Bruce Springsteen. That was a little shocking for Jon. Bruce usually came in during the day to record. Why was he here at night? Jon walked by and said, "Hey, Bruce." Bruce spun around in his chair and looked at the voice that was talking to. He knows Jon. "Hey man, how's it going?", Bruce asked Jon. Jon wanted to tell him everything, but he didn't want to look like a naive star struck kid. It was then that Jon had all of his fears erased and his hesitations banished, Bruce told him he had heard his song, he loved it and Jonny Bongiovi was going to be a star. Jon about died.
Jon had to go change some tapes in one of the recording studios. It seems that some big shot was coming in to lay a few tracks. After working there for a few years, there are no more big shots to Jon - with the exception of the remaining Beatles and the Stones. He walked into Studio A and there sat The Boss; Bruce Springsteen. That was a little shocking for Jon. Bruce usually came in during the day to record. Why was he here at night? Jon walked by and said, "Hey, Bruce." Bruce spun around in his chair and looked at the voice that was talking to. He knows Jon. "Hey man, how's it going?", Bruce asked Jon. Jon wanted to tell him everything, but he didn't want to look like a naive star struck kid. It was then that Jon had all of his fears erased and his hesitations banished, Bruce told him he had heard his song, he loved it and Jonny Bongiovi was going to be a star. Jon about died.
If only Bruce knew just how true his words would be.