Monday, January 27, 2014

Chapter 42 - Don't Tell Me You Want Me

"What are we going to do?" she asks Jon, walking back into the living room, handing him a cup of coffee.  "We have to make this work, somehow."  Monica sits on her feet, next to Jon, working her way closer.

Jon takes the coffee and winks at her, "What can we do other than make it work?  There isn't another option, babe."  Looking at her, he can see that they are on the same page and that they both have the same concern, but he thinks she might be over thinking it, she might be worried.  "I don't know what you're so worried about?  We'll get through this and make it the best we can.  I'm committed, are you committed?"  He leans into her, head to head he continues, "You're stuck with me, even if we're on opposite sides of the world."
Monica laughs at his threat and replies, "I am committed 200%, but you have to know that I get concerned."
"About what?" having no idea what she's worried about.  "What has you so concerned?"
She smiles a shy smile and admits, "All of those girls that are allowed backstage, all of the opportunity.  I trust you, I really do Jon, but I imagine that it gets pretty tough to resist."  She admitted that she was scared and in her mind that made her slightly vulnerable, which she didn't like.  But these two have spent the last 2 weeks together 24/7, they are bonded and in love but she can't help being worried that he'll go to Europe and fall in love with someone else. 
"There are and there will be a lot of women backstage, but you have to know by now that that isn't me.  I am a singer in a band, not some drunk asshole looking to add notches to an imaginary belt.  That's not me."  he reaches over and pulls her on his lap.  "I'm committed to you and I'm committed to us.  There will be no groupies and no backstage bullshit.  I promise."
Monica's look goes a little sour and Jon sees that, but before he could ask why she starts with, "I feel selfish expecting you to be faithful to me.  Isn't it part of the rock and roll dream to be crazy and have fun, random sex with girls in each city?"
Jon laughed at that.  "Yeah, I think that's part of the 'dream' but I don't think that many actually do it.  I could be wrong."
"Richie loves his women." Monica throws in there.  "He really loves his women"
"I know."
"How will you handle it?  When the groupies run after you and try to grab you?" Monica wonders how Jon will resist and what he'll do when he's faced with a beautiful sexy woman that wants nothing more than to be with him, to have sex with Jon Bon Jovi.  Their 2 week tour with RATT has sent them on the journey where the sky is the limit.  In two days Bon Jovi will open a headline European Tour with some of the biggest names in rock and roll. Jon and his boys are the headliners and no one could be happier than he is right now.  His band is skyrocketing to the top and he is with a  woman that he truly loves, and she loves him back.
"Babe, I'll handle it the way I would if I was home and.with you.  I'm not interested in seeing anyone else, have no desire to have sex with strange women.  I have never been like that, and I never will.  I'm a good  ol' Catholic boy, you know that."  He kisses her, "Will you please stop worrying about this?"
"It's hard." she laughs at herself, "Because I know that if I wasn't your girlfriend and I went to see you in concert - I'd be over the barrier and on stage in a hot second."  That made Jon laugh too.  He could see her doing it.
"Well, you are my girlfriend and you can jump whatever barrier you want to tackle me whenever you want."  He wraps his arms around her and holds her close.  "I have to admit, I'm not thrilled with you being on the west coast all that time without me."
"Why?" she asks in a funny voice.  "Are you worried I might fall in love with some dumb actor?"
"I'm not worried, I'm just not thrilled with the distance that will be between us, period.  Me in Europe and you in California.  That's a big distance."
Monica turns to look at him, "Are you going to miss me?" She kisses his soft, Italian defined lips.  She lingers and he reciprocates, darting his tongue in her mouth, Monica was instantly turned on.  The passion that they shared was only shadowed by the love that they felt for one another.  To an outsider, they were head over heels in love and have been for years.  Even thought the relationship was still in it's infancy stages. 
Jon pulls away, "Of course I will miss you.  I'll miss you madly."
She smiles, "I think you like me."  she teases him and he blushes a little bit.  "Jon and Monica kissing on her couch."  Jon can't stand it, taking her face into his hands, he draws her in and kisses her again.  She melts into him and kisses him back, loving every minute of it.
"How long is your shoot going to take?" Jon asks her, hoping that they can find some time to meet somewhere in the world to spend even a few stolen moments together. 
Monica gives him a puzzled look, "I leave the day after you and I come back in the middle of June.  About 4 weeks."
"That's about when we'll be back too.  We need to meet somewhere, because I don't want to go that long without holding you.  Looking at you, smelling you and tasting you."
Monica laughs, "Mr. Bon Jovi, does your momma know you talk like that?"
"There isn't much that my mom doesn't know, honestly."  Jon is reminded of an appointment that they have.  "Shit, we gotta go.  My dad is probably waiting for us."  he pats Monica on the leg and she hops up.
Running into her bedroom, she yells at him, "Are you ever going to move in, all the way?  I just have to grab my purse."
Jon is in the kitchen, grabbing his money and keys off the counter, he yells back to her, "When are you going to ask me to?"
She heard what he said and as she walks toward him in the kitchen she replies, "I emptied drawers out for you weeks ago,  didn't you notice?"
He stands against the counter and shakes his head no.  "How was I supposed to notice?"
"I was trying on clothes and asking you your opinion, don't you remember the fashion show that ended up with sex on the living room floor."
He grins from ear to ear, "You had clothes on?  Don't remember a thing you had on.  All I can see is your beautiful body up on top of me."  She stops in front of him and kisses his nose.
"Are you ready?"
"Waiting on you." he cracks her on the ass as she goes out the back door.
"Hey!" she says looking back over her shoulder at him.  "What are you having your dad do to your hair?"
"Shave it off." he says with no expression.
"My ass you are.  If you shave your hair off, we're done." she jokes with him.  "I'll start dating one of those weirdo's from RATT."
"Oh so you're only with me for hair?" he jabs at her.  "I knew it was too good to be true."  They get in his car and they drive over to his house.  Jon can see that his moms car is gone, so he tells Monica, "This is a quick in and out with mom gone."
"What do you mean?"
"He can cut mine and once he has the frosting stuff on, he'll cut yours.  Do you know what you want him to do?"
She shakes her head no.  Pulling into the driveway, they see Tony and Matt playing basketball.  It's easy to see who's losing - Matt has the angry look in his face.  Jon laughs at that.  They say hi to the boys and go in.  Dad is sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a beer doing the New York Times crossword puzzle.  He looks up at the kids and says, "It's about time."
"Sorry pops, we woke up late and then just lounged around together.  Time is limited." Jon explains to his dad, "Do you still have time to take care of a couple of mops?" 
"Jon, my hair is not a mop."
Mr. B looks up at them and says, "You both need work.  Jon go get my stuff from my bathroom."
Jon hops up the stairs and gets the tools of his dad's trade, bringing them down.  Dad styles both of their heads and is really pleased with how the frosting came out in Jon's hair.  Jon looked great with a fresh cut and a fresh frost.  Monica looked even more radiant with the face framing cut that Mr. B gave her.  The two of them looked like they could rule the world.
As they were getting ready to leave, Mr. B told them, "Make sure you're here for dinner tomorrow, mother is making a big dinner for you and the boys.  She's invited some family and friends."
Bummed, not wanting to entertain people before he left, Jon looked at Monica and said, "What time?" 
"Well, she told Loretta and Adam to be here about 4, so before 4."
"Okay." Jon hugs his dad and says, "We need to do some shopping.  Miss thing here is doing a month on the west coast and she thinks that she needs a bathing suit for everyday."
Monica hugs Mr. B and thanks him for the great haircut, "I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. B"
"Sweety, I've cut your hair, you can call me pops."  And he winks at her.
She smiles back and says, "Well, thanks pops for the haircut.  I love it."
"It was my pleasure, dear.  I'll see you tomorrow."  Jon and Monica left and headed toward the city so he could take her shopping.  She needed to go and he wanted to spend every second with her that he could.
Their first stop was at Macy's.  Monica works there, so she'll get a discount however small that it might be.  She finds a handful of bathing suits and with them in hand, she drags Jon into a dressing room.  He sits on the seat and waits for the show to begin.  Monica takes off her top and then her bra.  Jon hands her the first top and can't help to touch her skin.  He caresses her breasts with the back of his fingers, grinning the whole time.  Monica doesn't stop him.  She takes his hand and follows it along it's journey.  Jon places his free hand on her hip and gently brings her to him.  Her breast is right in front of his face, and the urge to kiss it is too hard to fight.  He leans forward and tenderly takes her perky nipple into his warm wet mouth and begins to run his tongue around it.  Holding it in place, the breast gets many warm wet kisses and erotic but gentle nibbles.  Monica grabs his head and holds him right there.  The way that man used his tongue was a pleasure that she never wanted to be without.
Jon uses his free hand to push her shorts and panties off, letting them fall to the floor.  She is before him naked and when she looks down she sees that there is a present in his pants for her.  She smiles, he smiles and leans back.  She bends over and seductively undoes his jeans, and together they worked them passed his knees.  Jon's hands were all over her like they were a necessity for her to live.  Once his hard and waiting cock was exposed, Monica put one foot up on the bench and then the other one.  She is standing over Jon, looking at him with the look of a hungry person.  He has her in his grip, a hand on each hip and she asks, "Are you ready?"
Looking down at his rock hard dick and that beautiful naked body that was above him, he said, "Babe, we're more than ready."  Monica eased herself down on him, slowly, teasing him.  Taking in a little, she'd pull up.  Taking in some more, she'd ease up.  When she was done taunting him, she leaned forward ad started to kiss him while she moved up in down and in a circular motion, throwing in the figure 8.  She was driving Jon crazy, and the more that she parted his lips with her tongue the closer he would get to blowing his load.
Monica slowed her rhythm down and just wanted to be with him, him deep of inside her.  He didn't.  He held onto her hips and rammed himself into her, hard and fast.  Monica did not disapprove.  The two of them fucked one another in the fitting room at Macy's and when they both reached orgasm, anyone within the sound of their voices knew what just happened.


  1. I love Jon and Monica's relationship. They may be in the early phase of their relationship but it is slowly becoming a strong partnership. The dressing room scene was hot!

  2. Holy shit sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry but it wasn't long enough!!!!!!! Loved the dressing room scene! Really need my husband now!
